Antique limestone Troughs back to good use

Not every day I get to re-appropriate an architectural element in a client's home back to its full purpose and functionality!
As of 2020 I have been growing my grass root community around ecological reuse of reclaimed limestone as a solution towards a better Eco-conscious lifestyle.
Community re-building focused on local farming, self-sufficiency, zero waste and toxic free life should be the norm and not some revolutionary act!
I've started on this ecological reuse path back in 2010 but its only now that I feel comfortable enough to be more public about my stone ecological activism.
Join me today as we all can play a small part in inspiring others to live a zero-waste lifestyle while transforming our individual households and businesses business into a better versions of ourselves.
Our homes can start looking nore natural and organic in lockstep with our bodies that can become healthier and toxins free while we Reuse, Restore, Rejuvenate & Rejoice.
Thanks, Joseph Sage Founder and Owner at Phoenician Stone For more information visit us at : or call us directly at: (949) 759-6944 Instagram: @MonolithicStone
